Monday, January 14, 2008

Time to write something

It's oily in the morning and I'm spending the night at Michael Palma's grandpa's house.  I slept for a bit but that changed to raiding the fridge for things to sip on (milk, oj, sweet tea), which in turn changed to reading an autobiography of Osho, and now I am listening to music softly (myself jamming with Aaron Allen on bass) as I write.  I really enjoy the stuff we recorded that day, it is very playful.

The Osho autobiography is making me laugh out loud, hopefully not loud enough to wake anyone.  I'll go ahead and wager right now that whoever you are, it is in your best interest to go thumb through several books by Osho as soon as possible.  They're all essentially the same, just transcripts of him talking off the top of his head.  There's a man with a sense of humor, and as William James pointed out, humor is one and the same as consciousness and understanding ("common sense", as he called it).

Don't worry, be happy.