Strong Words
An Excerpt from the 2004 Republican Party Platform
Our Party’s 2004 platform addresses the major issues facing America in the first decade of the 21st century:
Winning the War on Terror …
because our government’s most solemn duty is to keep its citizens safe.
Ushering in an Ownership Era …
because a vibrant entrepreneurial spirit will keep our economy strong and provide more opportunities for workers and families.
Building an Innovative Economy to Compete in the World …
because America can compete with anyone, anywhere, thanks to our entrepreneurs and risk-takerswho keep us on the cutting edge of technology and commerce.
Strengthening Our Communities …
because our children deserve to grow up in an America in which all their hopes and dreams can come true.
Protecting Our Families …
because we respect the family’s role as a touchstone of stability and strength in an ever-changing world.
This platform makes clear that the American people will have a choice on November 2nd.
A choice between strength and uncertainty.
A choice between results and rhetoric.
A choice between optimism and pessimism.
A choice between opportunity and dependence.
A choice between freedom and fear.
And a choice between moving forward and turning back.
The 2004 Republican Party Platform makes clear:
We choose strength.
We choose results.
We choose optimism.
We choose opportunity.
We choose freedom.
And we choose moving forward with President Bush. A man of courage and compassion, of integrity and action.
The GOP writes some strong stuff, huh? I bet none of you Democrats out there realized you were choosing uncertainty, rhetoric, pessimism, dependence, fear and turning back.
Our Party’s 2004 platform addresses the major issues facing America in the first decade of the 21st century:
Winning the War on Terror …
because our government’s most solemn duty is to keep its citizens safe.
Ushering in an Ownership Era …
because a vibrant entrepreneurial spirit will keep our economy strong and provide more opportunities for workers and families.
Building an Innovative Economy to Compete in the World …
because America can compete with anyone, anywhere, thanks to our entrepreneurs and risk-takerswho keep us on the cutting edge of technology and commerce.
Strengthening Our Communities …
because our children deserve to grow up in an America in which all their hopes and dreams can come true.
Protecting Our Families …
because we respect the family’s role as a touchstone of stability and strength in an ever-changing world.
This platform makes clear that the American people will have a choice on November 2nd.
A choice between strength and uncertainty.
A choice between results and rhetoric.
A choice between optimism and pessimism.
A choice between opportunity and dependence.
A choice between freedom and fear.
And a choice between moving forward and turning back.
The 2004 Republican Party Platform makes clear:
We choose strength.
We choose results.
We choose optimism.
We choose opportunity.
We choose freedom.
And we choose moving forward with President Bush. A man of courage and compassion, of integrity and action.
The GOP writes some strong stuff, huh? I bet none of you Democrats out there realized you were choosing uncertainty, rhetoric, pessimism, dependence, fear and turning back.
it's going to be an interesting year.
in my state, the gubernatorial race is an incumbent dem who hasn't been afraid to use her veto against a GOP majority house and senate vs. the GOP business man who basically runs my hometown. and there's a ballot proposal to amend the constitution to ban affirmative action. oh, and last time, we amended our constitution to ban same-sex unions and partner benefits. yeah, we're brilliant midwesterners.
keep on keepin' on.
Thanks for mentioning the elevated "terror alerts" raised by the Bush Administration in the lead-up to the 2004 elections. Having these guys protecting us from terrorists really is like leaving the fox to guard the hen house.
My sister, who lives alone in L.A. and my mom, who lives alone in Pittsburgh, took the terror alerts seriously in 2004. After all, they came from the Federal government. They were seriously TERRIFIED what might happen. While I couldn't be sure at the time , I tried to reassure them that it was most likely these alerts were "politically motivated" and they shouldn't worry too much.
Well... the last of the elevated terror alerts was announced in September, 2004, and maintained in effect until a couple of days after the November election (Nov 8, I think). When Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge resigned not long after Bush won (stole?) the election, he admitted that the orders for the elevated terror alerts had come from the White House, and that the DHS had no evidence to support them. This story was reported in USA Today (I saved the article), but received relatively little coverage from our so-called "liberal media". When I mention it to people, they are usually surprised... but every citizen should be aware of it.
To me, this was a significant set of events. The Bush White House is purporting to protect us from terrorism, yet they were essentially employing terrorism to win the election. OK... they didn't set off any bombs (??), but that doesn't mean they aren't terrorists. You're not permitted to yell "Fire" in a crowded theater, unless there is an actual fire.
This is not markedly different from trumping up evidence for WMDs to whip up support for the Iraq War to begin with... but it somehow strikes me as more overt and nasty. These folks have utter contempt for the democratic process, as well they should, because they could not win if they were not able to employ "scare tactics" and other forms of deception to win votes. (... well, er... Small-mindedness, paranoia, fear-mongering, xenophobia, and bigotry will ALWAYS play well in CERTAIN parts of the country... but the Bush Republicans couldn't have gained, and maintaied control our national government as they now do, if they were forced to appeal to truth and reason, rather than lies and hysteria.
Final comment: Bush and his cadre couldn't accomplish what they do without the complicity of "good soldiers" such as Tom Ridge and Colin Powell. These two "men"--and others like them--should hang their heads in shame at their betrayal of their fellow citizens. We need people of courage and principle in public office... not "Yes Men" whose only meek act of defiance is to resign... AFTER they've helped to bring about so much damage.
Thanks, Jeff. It's good that we can count on people like you to keep a cool head and discern what's really going on when our government tries to pull the wool over our eyes. The most important, and perhaps most difficult, thing to do now is to implant that sense of discernment in the minds of Americans so we can hold our leaders accountable.
I think the problem of persuading people to meet their surroundings with wide-eyed scrutiny is more of an emotional one than an intellectual one--people are not ready to believe that their government would betray them like that. It is an unsettling thought. My feeling is that if we are going to take away the security blanket of naive trust we must replace it with another comfort. I think we can comfort people with our steadfast commitment to truth, our calm, warm confidence in the face of the daunting conspiracies we are sometimes faced with, our care for our neighbors and our country. Because we can sincerely provide these things, they will resonate with the people we reach out to as being more solid than the hollow promises of a self-serving government.
whaoh, have you seen this....what do you think?
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